Monday, 27 January 2014

Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith

This has something for everyone; sci-fi, apocalyptic aspects, LGBT aspects, humour and so much more. I feel as though any fan of Micheal Grant or David Levithan would love this book!

This book was really original, I've never read anything like it. Even though I liked it I get the feeling that this book is like marmite in that you'll either love it or hate it.

The narrative is interesting in that among the main action we often switch to other side aspects of the story which come to affect later. This did confuse me at first but after a couple chapters you forget the unusual story telling.

This book was really funny as Austin is sarcastic and you end up developing inside jokes. I also loved how Austin was very blunt nothing was sugar coated and he said everything that was on his mind.

Also, being the nerd I am, I loved the history elements throughout where we learn more about his family and relationships with Shann and Robby.

Overall I would say that no matter what this book is worth looking at.

Monday, 20 January 2014

The Accidental Life of Jessie Jefferson by Paige Toon

I was lucky enough to be sent an advanced copy of this novel by This book comes out in February 2014 and I sincerely hope you'll check it out.

This was a perfect feel good read; it was light and funny but also had some deeper stuff woven in as well. The hint of romance in this book was very well done and felt real.However, I would not go in to this book expecting a love story as there are so many more elements than that. The heart of the story was about family and we gradually see Jessie's journey upon finding out about this new family.

I love Jessie so much she is so genuine and down to earth. I really enjoyed how she was developed throughout the book and quickly became a character I truly love.

I am already counting down the days until the next installment of Jessie's story and I'm sure you will be too.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

I don't think I will bother with a non-spoiler section because if you haven't read this book or watched the film you seriously need to fix that.

   This was a re-read but considering that I read it about 4 years ago it was due a little love. This in my opinion deserves ever praise it is given. It is the best girly romance book with such a bad ass main female character. When you read this book you have to take into consideration the customs and expectations of the times or else you would see some characters wrongly. For example Mrs Bennett is primarily concerned with her daughters marrying and doesn't care who they marry as long as they're married. Today if you read that you have no sympathy whatsoever for her and hate her, but if you put it in context you can see that this would have been a common attitude. However, I do find that even if you put Mrs Bennett into context she is still very unlikable.

   I did watch the film before reading the book and the major difference between the two is in the book we actually get the feeling that Darcy likes Elizabeth when he first proposes to her. In the film he's just there and it seems like he woke up one day and thought "I'm in love" which was so stupid. I loved Darcy and even more so I loved Elizabeth. Lizzy is just the original bad ass she did what she wanted and didn't care what people thought of her because of it. I adored when she put Lady Catherine in her place it was so perfect.

  One character I cannot express enough love for is Mr Bennett. He is so sarcastic and funny and amazing. He reminds me so much of my own Daddy so I have a huge soft spot for him. I can read Chapter one of this book over and over because Mr Bennett is so funny.

   I will not lie I did tear up when reading this book. If you read my blog for any length of time you'll know I don't really cry at books and I've never cried out of happiness but this book had me close to it. When Jane and Mr Bingley finally got engaged the tears welled up in my eyes and stayed there until I finished the book.

To finish up I am so glad this is the first classic of the year because it is fabulous!

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Book Haul No.2

So as I said in a previous post I did not receive any books for Christmas but I did go and buy some books with money I got for Christmas. So here are all of the books I've bought

  1. Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare 
  2. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
  3. The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
  4. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
  5. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
  6. Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson
  7. Amy and Rodger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson

Those are all of the books I have recently bought so expect reviews on these soon!