Sunday, 28 September 2014

Endgame by James Frey

"Twelve thousand years ago, they came. They descended from the sky amid smoke and fire, and created humanity and gave us rules to live by. They needed gold and they built our earliest civilizations to mine it for them. When they had what they needed, they left. But before they left, they told us someday they would come back, and when they did, a game would be played. A game that would determine our future.

This is Endgame.

For ten thousand years the lines have existed in secret. The 12 original lines of humanity. Each had to have a Player prepared at all times. They have trained generation after generation after generation. In weapons, languages, history, tactics, disguise assassination. Together the players are everything: strong, kind, ruthless, loyal, smart, stupid, ugly, lustful, mean, fickle, beautiful, calculating, lazy, exuberant, weak. They are good and evil. Like you. Like all.

This is Endgame.

When the game starts, the players will have to find three keys. The keys are somewhere on earth. The only rule of their Endgame is that there are no rules. Whoever finds the keys first wins the game. Endgame: The Calling is about the hunt for the first key. And just as it tells the story of the hunt for a hidden key, written into the book is a puzzle. It invites readers to play their own Endgame and to try to solve the puzzle. Whoever does will open a case filled with gold. Alongside the puzzle will be a revolutionary mobile game built by Google’s Niantic Labs that will allow you to play a real-world version of Endgame where you can join one of the lines and do battle with people around you.
Will exuberance beat strength? Stupidity top kindness? Laziness thwart beauty? Will the winner be good or evil? There is only one way to find out.

People of Earth.
Endgame has begun"

Fast paced, action packed, addictive read! This is mystery, action and part treasure hunt all in one! Also the clues throughout the book make it an interactive experience that is unlike anything else. 

This book was so exciting and the multiple points of view made it even more intense! Also, there was no one character who was my favourite which was interesting as in this sort of "fight to the death" situation you would expect there to be one main character that I would like but there were so many characters I liked.

The clues in the book was such a clever idea as they sent you all over the internet from watching videos to reading articles it was so much fun because you felt like you were a player in the book too!
In sort I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to everyone!

This book was sent to me by there are reviews of this book and many others on

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Top 5 Tuesday #1- New Adult Books/Series

The top five series have been flying around the blogosphere for quite some time now so I decided to hop on the bandwagon and start my own series. This will be pretty self-explanatory every week I will pick a category and tell you my top five in that category.

This week I am going to look at my top five favourite New Adult books and/or series. My only reason for this is because I feel as though New Adult isn't as talked about as it really should be so without further ado lets get started!

1. The Book Boyfriend Series by Erin Noelle

I love this series so so so much I mean lets be real who doesn't have a book boyfriend (if not multiple boyfriends I will happily admit I am a total book boy slut I will steal them and keep them all if I could). This is a fantastic story of how two book nerd best friends venture out into college and decide to set a challenge to meet and/or date all the different kinds of book boyfriends eg. rockstar, surfer and of course the all-American, boy next door etc. This book is funny, sexy and fun! I highly recommend this series for someone who doesn't mind a few lot of sex scenes.
Book 1: Metamorphosis

2. The Wanted series by Kelly Elliot

If you have followed my blog for a while, it will be no shock to see this series included as I have raved about it a lot! I did a whole post on the series a few months back which you can see here. If you like any country romance book you will love this series! In fact, I can no longer read any other country/ranch based romance cause it will always come second to these books. I talked about book boyfriends above and I can promise you there are some cracker book boyfriends in here! Basically, it is a series that follows a girl called Ellie and all of her friends and her brother. It's sexy, funny and also a tad sad in a non-depressing way. It is a brilliant book but be prepared for some sex scenes

Book 1: Wanted

3. The Boy Who Sneaks In My Bedroom Window by Kirsty Moseley

IGNORE THE TITLE! I know it sounds stalker-ish and kind of creepy, but honestly this is the sweetest book ever! If you were giving an award for best boyfriend in literature Liam would get it. Although 95% of this book is pure adorableness be aware that this does cover abuse/ rape but it is not graphic at all!!!!That is all you really need to know this is a beautiful book that is fan-flipping-tastic!!!

The Boy Who Sneaks In My Bedroom Window

4. Friend-Zoned by Belle Aurora

My best friend actually got me hooked on this book and I am so glad she did! This book is so incredibly funny and very sexy. The main guy in this book is so so hot and the girl is by far the funniest sweetest girl in any book I have ever read I swear I want her as my best friend. This is a really good book with a couple of brilliant twists throughout and I cannot recommend it enough!

5. Foolish Games series by Leah Spiegel

A girl follows a band on tour instead of getting a job whilst her friend blogs about said band and the girl meets and starts to date the lead singer of the band. Sound realistic? Of course not but that is half the fun of this book! It is ridiculous and funny and just such an easy read that I love so much! I highly recommend this if you're looking for a fun light read.

I hope you enjoyed this little post I have plenty more recommendations in this genre so if you would like a part 2 let me know.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Afterworlds by Scott Westerfeld

"Darcy Patel has put college and everything else on hold to publish her teen novel, Afterworlds. Arriving in New York with no apartment or friends she wonders whether she's made the right decision until she falls in with a crowd of other seasoned and fledgling writers who take her under their wings… 

Told in alternating chapters is Darcy's novel, a suspenseful thriller about Lizzie, a teen who slips into the 'Afterworld' to survive a terrorist attack. But the Afterworld is a place between the living and the dead and as Lizzie drifts between our world and that of the Afterworld, she discovers that many unsolved - and terrifying - stories need to be reconciled. And when a new threat resurfaces, Lizzie learns her special gifts may not be enough to protect those she loves and cares about most."

The only thing better than one great book is one great book inside a fantastic book!!!This was so original and exciting. The book never really slowed down as when Darcy's story line was not very exciting Lizzie's story was enticing and vice-versa.
   I thought Darcy was such a refreshing protagonist I loved how she noticeably matured throughout the book however I still think she has more growing up to do-Seriously Darcy, be more careful with money! 
   It is incredibly difficult for me to pick a favourite story line within the book but if I absolutely had to choose it would be Darcy's as it was her point of view that help me become invested in Lizzie's story. Also as someone who wants to get into the publishing world I found Darcy's story so interesting if not a little frightening

I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone!!!