Tuesday, 24 September 2013

The Killing Woods by Lucy Christopher Review

   Yet again Lucy Christopher has written a nail biting, thrilling novel that kept you guessing right until the end. I absolutely loved the Killing Woods I couldn't put it down!This book was truly fantastic. I loved how we were kept guessing until the last hundred pages. I was never sure of where the plot was going or when the next twist would happen. Lucy Christopher made me feel suspicious of everyone I never knew who to trust. The switching view points enhanced this as on one side we hear Emily's thoughts and then on the other hand we have Damon's thoughts and because their thoughts were so different you are left grasping on to any information you can get to put this jigsaw together. The twist at the end was so unexpected and honestly I just loved this book. It was fast paced and thrilling and kept me turning the pages. In short another fantastic book.

*Let Spoilers Commence*

As I said honestly this book had me guessing the whole time at first I thought oh it's Emily's Dad then I thought no definitely Damon then I thought Joe is shifty I bet it's him I swear I suspected Emily at one point! But not once did I suspect who the killer actually was not once. That was such a surprise. Another other surprise was how she died. I loved how Lucy showed the danger of that kind of "high" because honestly I didn't expect it.

5 out of 5

Disclaimer: This book was sent to me by lovereading.co.uk but all views are my own 

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