Thursday, 24 October 2013

My Alligiant Struggle

Unless you are living under a rock you are probably aware that the last book in the divergent series came out on Tuesday. No I have not read it so don't spoil it for me!!!!

I have been banished from the internet bar a few little places that are still safe as everyone is talking about the book. I know it is supposed to be sad and the ending is supposed to be something else. I have to leave where ever it is I am before I find out exactly whether or not it is a happy or sad ending.

Also I am getting the box set of the series for Christmas so I do not want to go and buy the book now also I have no money. I did consider getting it on my kindle but it is just as expensive if not more than it would be buying the book. So I am sad because my library won't have it on stock because it's a new book and my library quite frankly is not up to much.

So let me know if any of you are sharing my struggle.

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