Sunday, 27 July 2014

Reading Wrap Up

Hello long time no see. I'm sorry for the lack of posts lately but I've been crazy busy lately. I have read a lot of books since I last updated you all so I will list them all for you and give you a rating. If you would like a full review of any of the following books just let me know and I will get on that asap! Here's what I've read since I last saw you:

Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater- 4/5
Unenchanted by Chanda Hahn-4/5
Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins-5/5
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green-5/5
Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare-5/5
Let Love in by Melissa Collins- 3/5
Every Little Piece by Kate Ashton- 3/5
Lost and Found by Nicole Williams- 4/5
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell-5/5
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare-5/5
And For Your Information... by Denis Deegan- 5/5
Beastly by Alex Flinn- 4/5

So that's everything I've read for the past few weeks again if you want more in depth reviews just let me know. Have a nice day :)

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