1. Soulmates by Holly Bourne
I have already reviewed this book and you can read my full review here, however I still feel as though not enough people have read this book. Holly Bourne has an amazing way with words and makes you fall in love with all the characters in the story. This book is a modern tragic love story with all the ups and downs you'd expect. There is also aside story of two researchers/scientists that runs in alternate chapters throughout the book. In the second storyline of the scientists we hear how this relationship will only end up in disaster however, you as a reader still keep hope until the last few pages. This is a fabulous book which I highly recommend!
2. All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill
Yet again I am aware I have raved about this book several times prior to this but it still doesn't take away from the fact that this is an INSANELY good book! With the amount of dystopian novels appearing at the moment I can see how it may get lost in the crowd but with a plot as original and exciting as this it would be a damned shame if this book didn't get the hype it deserves! This book not only has a rich and exciting plot line but also has the most interesting character development I have ever read! I do have a fuller review of this book which you can see here.
3. Jacqueline Wilson
4. The Butterfly series by Denise Deegan

That's it for the first in my "Underrated Books" series let me know what you think of it and please let me know what books you think are completely underrated. Have a nice day and I'll see you again soon.