Saturday, 24 August 2013

Mid-Book Ramble: Faithful by Kelly Elliott

*Warning Spoilers will occur*

So I am on chapter 15 and am about 1/4 of the way through and this book already has me in stitches which is always a fantastic quality in a book. As you could guess from my New Release Ramble I have been looking forward to this book for a while especially after the end of saved! So where to start I already hate Victoria with a passion! The girl is a bigger £$%^& then Lynda ever was and she can't screw up Josh and Heather she just can't! I am in love with Elizabeth she is one bad ass mama-jama I love and she has me laughing so hard! I love how Josh is getting his memory back little by little but I love how he's falling for heather again! Oh and the sub plot of Amanda and Brad he is such an assmole (like the reference) I got so cross when Amanda told Heather what he said to her I was screaming at my kindle in pure rage! But I love this series so much every time I read it my heart swells like ten sizes and to sound like a huge girl I want a Gunner or a Jeff or a Josh if they even exist I want one I do I really really do!

I can't leave this book any longer just wanted to let you know since you liked my last mid book ramble.

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