Saturday, 17 August 2013

New Release Ramble!

I am a huge fan of the Wanted series by Kelly Elliott which I highly recommend! However I am very annoyed because imagine my surprise when on the day of the original release I could not find the book anywhere! Then after searching the internet for days I am to find that the release date for the next installment of the series Faithful has been pushed back!!!!!!! I was so angry and annoyed but I am so excited for it especially after the ending to Saved! If you have read that book let me know what you thought of that. Also I have been reading some of the teasers because I am so excited although a part of me wishes I hadn't so it would all be a (I'll link the teasers at the end). How do you all feel about teasers because for some books I hate reading them for example I didn't read teasers for the second installment of the book boyfriend series because it was such a mystery of what would happen. I want your opinion is it yay or nay to teasers.

Sorry for the randomness and rambling I just felt like writing. I should have a review of Fallen Crest High and The Coldest Girl in Coldtown done soon so until then take care.

Teasers to Faithful:

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